Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Who Am I

Who Am I? Just a face among thousands? Just another brick in the wall? Thinking exactly this I started my quest to break away form the NORMAL life…I realized I had to be somebody. Getting a Bsc degree and working in a call centre was not the way I wanted to live my life. Was a typical mama’s boy. It was in college when I realized I had to have my own identity. My life was MINE and I had to make it big. However, the main problem was money. That’s when I started Computer assembling at a youthful age of 18. My first big break came in the form of an assembling order for Nanavati hospital. As time passed on, I had a steady income of 2000-3000 bucks from my PC business. Things improved bit by bit and I graduated in 2005. Started working with my earnings bought a sparkling new silver Pulsar 180 Dtsi. Soon the biking bug bit me. I used to live for the weekends when I could ride out. and there's bin no stopping since then.
And now after another outbreak of self assessment I decided to start my own blog. So here it is.

Hope u like my blog. Happy reading. Suggestion, comments, improvement tips always welcome.

1 comment:

TND said...

Amit Baba ... We hope you get to a certain height where we all can see you high and handsome - I just stumbled upon yur blog via the linky. The dilemma is ru a BIKER TURNED DRIVER? or DRIVER NOW MISSING THE BIKING FEAT ...?