Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Accident Prone!!!

8th Oct 2007
2:15 Am

Here I am trying to sleep….but I am as awake as I can be. The last couple of days have been very strange with things being very grim in my life. I say this because of a whole lot of reasons…the first being that I have become very accident-prone. It all started when I was rear ended by a friend on the Malshej ride. A couple of days later, when I was going for the meet yesterday night at round 11.There is this stretch of road that I have to take to reach the western exp highway, very dark with no dividers and flanked with jhopad patties on the sides. I generally keep slow as there is always a risk of a child or a person coming outta no where. I was doing 60KPH when an auto guy with no lights coming from the opp. side suddenly decides to take a u turn. I noticed him when I was just when I was about 15 feet from him and narrowly avoided an accident.

Then this evening, felt so exhausted after returning from a family get together I fell off to sleep at seven in the evening. At nine, my mom wakes me up and asks me to go withdraw cash from my bank account. I wash my face and go downstairs to fine that my dad’s driver has come home and is in tears. His daughter was hospitalized. And he had to pay up the hospital deposit else the hospital wouldn’t admit his daughter. I rush to the ATM my head filled with thoughts. Just when I was returning home I narrowly missed another accident. the ATM is about 20mt. off the main road. I get on my bike and am just stop at the edge of the main road. All of a sudden I notice this auto coming at a very high speed on the left most lane. He is certainly going to ram into me if he continues. When you are in such a situation time suddenly slows down. U can see everything clearly frame by frame. There’s a screech of brakes the auto takes a sharp turn and misses me by inches. I decide not to chase the auto and am off to my house, to find the driver still crying. My dad offers him the money and he gives my dad a gold chain as a security. Which my dad declines.. Apparently, he tried to sell off the chain and arrange for the money himself but being a Sunday all shops were closed. What strikes me is the sense of fairness and perhaps self respect In the guy.

All this has me thinking of how lucky I am to be safe. To be born in a well to do family and lead a luxurious life. And how self indulgent we humans have become. We don’t care for our fellow human beings. We don’t care for Mother Earth which suffers pollution from our hands and stil continues to support us. We do nothing to protect the beauty of this planet or help the ailing and suffering animals on the streets.

The money that I took out from the bank was actually saved up by me so I could buy a decent riding jacket. However, it could not be put to better use. I don’t care if I receive it back or not. From now on I will try and live with contention. Will try and help all I can. And most importantly stop cribbing about my life. Cause its still much better than most of the others on this planet.

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